I hope you like.
Tuesday, 16 December 2014
My First Film: Two Thousand
I have completed my first film!! So please watch it, if you like, because whats the point in making a film for no one to see! I hope you enjoy it.
Saturday, 6 December 2014
In Black and White.
So it is nearing the end of term now. I can not even begin to tell you how excited I am to go home, like SO EXCITED! I mean Cornwall is nice but Yorkshire is just on another level of awesomeness! This time next week I will be embarking on my incredibly long (10 hours) train journey home!
Since I last posted I got my black and white film developed from the past month or so. The photos are taken in Falmouth, London and Berlin.
Since I last posted I got my black and white film developed from the past month or so. The photos are taken in Falmouth, London and Berlin.
In other news I have officially specialised in film and am currently making a kick ass movie. I will put it on here for everyone to view when I have done it. But don't hesitate to get excited!
Hope you like.
Monday, 17 November 2014
The Cross Roads.
I have reached a turning point in both this art foundation course but also life. Today I had my assessment, which is basically when the tutors look at your art work and tell you what you are going to specialise in. So basically they tell you what you are going to spend, hopefully the rest of your life doing. SCARY!
So it would seem I am going to study film. WOOOOOOO!! This is actually so great, it was definitely what I was hoping for.
Oh also I have a fringe now! It was quite a spontaneous thing I was in my friend Zoƫ's room the other night and we just did it. It was very funny. Anyway so this is what I look like now...
(this fabulous photo was taken by Hattie in Berlin last week) not too sure what is going on with the curtain look...I am still working on getting rid of my parting!
So anyway I am pretty sure that I must have told you about my love of Marika Hackman sometime before, I have been learning her music on the guitar for over a year now. One day hopefully soon I will record some of it and you can listen to it, but for now lets just stick to the original. God she is great. So she brought out a new song this month which I LOVE so much. I think its my new fave...
Make sure you give that ^ a listen.
Hope you like.
Thursday, 30 October 2014
Stop Motion Animation
I have been doing foundation for what feel like a while now, this is probably because we don't have half terms, which does kinda suck. But hey, life goes on. So today I spent 6 hours making a 7 second stop motion animation. Yes I know that seems REALLY short. But it does look cool. The aim was for everyone in the group to evolve a picture of themselves into and animal and then into the next person in the group so they could all be put together to make one long continuous reel. Pretty cool!
Anyway this is my animation check it out.... (somewhere in the middle it turns into a tortoise but you will miss it if you blink.)
Hope you like.
Wednesday, 1 October 2014
This weekend I will have been at uni for a whole MONTH. This is madness! I am doing an art foundation course at Falmouth, which incase you don't know is in like south south SOUTH Cornwall, and so a million miles from home. It is a dream though, we live by the sea, we do art all the time, and it feels like the Bauhaus. My flat mates are awesome, so thats cool. Life is just generally good!
So here are some photos from the first few weeks, I swapped cameras with my mum to her film one, and the film must have been in there for at least 10 years, so the photos came out with some cool effects...
So here are some photos from the first few weeks, I swapped cameras with my mum to her film one, and the film must have been in there for at least 10 years, so the photos came out with some cool effects...
Our flat party for Georgia's birthday.
They froze our cutlery in a bowl of water...
Hope you like.
Saturday, 20 September 2014
We all know the saying "The grass is greener on the other side" don't we. The only thing that differs from person to person is what a person perceives as "the other side". I think for me California was one of the things on the other side. It has been my dream for years to go there, to that land of sun and beauty, to fall in love and become the most awesome surfer chick there ever was. (I think I probably I shared this dream with the majority of english teens) but anyway this summer I left school. I was free. So what was the first thing I had to do on my new improved free life...go to California of course!

The views on the flight were so incredible. I didn't sleep a wink.
So off I went, jetting off from Heathrow on the 1st of July, parents weeping behind the barriers, my boiled sweets in hand.
I spent just under 2 months in the states. I visited LA, Idaho (Sun Valley), and San Francisco, in that order. I stayed with friends of friends, and spent most of my time sleeping on sofa's, carpets, floors and the occasional bed. And I had the time of my life.
So here you go, the visual diary of the summer...
(they are all jumbled up in order, the computer stressed out on me..)

The views on the flight were so incredible. I didn't sleep a wink.
The view from the apartment in San Fran...the day I arrived in the city. It was so beautiful.
This was the best day of my life so far...I went flying with a pilot in an old original ww2 plane over LA. If I had died in that moment I would have still felt my life was complete. I felt like the luckiest person on the planet.
We flew in formation with 3 other planes.
Me inside... (yes I had to wear a parachute, it was terrifying!)
Little Sophie.
Idaho, Sun Valley, breath taxingly beautiful.
The Family I stayed with in LA and Idaho. The were awesome.
Moi again...feeling like the queen of the world.
The coolest record store ever...sorry about the graininess..couldn't miss it out.
My friend Parker at the Getty museum.
The famous In'n'out.
My old friend Lizzie, at the Marin Headlands, San Fran. Such an amazing day.
Lizzie and Me.
FIREWORKS on the 4th of July.
Lizzie again...in her awesome mini.
My new american friend Whitney..such a classic LA chick. Love her.
An amazing view over LA. We watched the fireworks over the whole city from here on the 4th of July.
Me being a tourist in Beverly Hills...it couldn't be missed.
The Mission District, San Fran.
The hollywood sign...although you can't really see it, it is there though!
Flashin' ma dollars...(they weren't even mine!)
City hall San Fran.
And of course the famous Golden Gate Bridge, San Fran.
So there you go...the trip of a life time.
Hope you like.
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