I have this friend called Cecilia, she's like super cool, you know, she's like THE friend. Well I was with Cecilia on New Years Eve. We sat on the hay bails by the fire, midnight approaching fast. We discussed the coming year, and what we were going to achieve in it. It was such a powerful conversation, in the moment of it all I felt, given the chance I could do absolutely anything. We both felt that. We decided that this is our year, 2015, twenty fifteen, this is when it all happens for us. And I am so excited.
Below are some photos taken just after the conversation I mentioned perviously, the first photos of the year...
Ces and I dancing with the fire.
And what started as embers became Mount Vesuvius.
But the yurt continued to sit comfortably in the background.
And both man and fire breathed smoke into the night.
In the end all they could do was to watch form afar.
Happy New Year to each and everyone of you. Let it be great for you too. Please.
Hope you like.