Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Are you a Virgin?

Hello again, its been a while, as usual. But thats no bad thing. 

Firstly since my last post, almost 6 months ago now, I have found a lovely collaborator for a new film (this gal: Claire)! All very exciting stuff, it is still in its writing stages as we speak, but over the next year or so we intend it to complete it.

In the mean time, I am also working on another project, which coincidentally, I am looking for more volunteers for. But this time I am calling all virgins, don't worry it is nothing scary, but I can't tell you the entire plan until your in, because you know, my idea aint copy-righted, and the internet is a big place! SO please comment if you are interested, I would be very grateful, and you will be being a part of a great thing.

To conclude I have some long over due snaps of my summer, a contrast of sunny Spain and not so sunny, but just as beautiful Scotland...

Hope you like.