Monday, 17 June 2013

One mans trash is another mans treasure.

So yesterday was a surprisingly nice day in Yorkshire so my friend and I decided to go to our local village car boot sale. It was quite fun...we sold all our random old stuff, I always find it weird what people buy from you but as  they say, One mans trash is another mans treasure! We took so much felt like we sold barely anything but we did in fact make £20 each. So we felt like it was time well spent at the end.

Anyway I took some photos...

 Above was our store.

So there you go. 

Hope you like.


  1. How funny is this? We also had one of those this weekend, too bad the weather was awful and we saw nothing but people packing up :(
    Anyway, it's awesome that you and your friend are selling old stuff! The pictures look great as always xxxx

    1. haha thats so funny! I know we were so lucky it didn't rain because that would have sucked! Thank you your so sweet :) xxx

  2. Love this... beautiful images and great blog :)

